Bench Hops

Exercise GIF

Main Target : Hamstrings and Quadriceps

Secondary Target: Abs, Calves, Glutes, and Hip Flexors

Estimated Calories burnt: burn around 10 to 20 calories per minute

Stand on one side of a bench, then bend over and grip the front of the bench with both hands. Bend your knees, then press your feet through the ground and your hands into the bench to explosively hop to the other side of the bench. Land softly with bent knees, then immediately repeat by hopping back to the other side of the bench.

Disclaimer: Please note that the calories burn per minute values listed are estimates and may vary depending on individual factors such as weight, age, and fitness level. These values are intended to serve as a general guide only and should not be taken as exact values for every person

Note: As with any exercise, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or certified personal trainer to ensure proper form and safety.